Wednesday, May 19, 2010

San Pedro Town Library Awards Computer Students

Computer lessons for children at the San Pedro Library concluded last Friday for the term, including both a beginner’s course and an advanced course for those who completed the beginner’s course last term. While the beginner's course focuses on computer basics, the advanced course focuses on honing the student's individual typing skills and usage of Microsoft programs.

"It's a real treat to spend time with these kids who are truly enthusiastic about computers. It's fascinating to see how quickly they learn to use different programs and online tools, but at the same time, it's similar to the 'walk before your run' problem. So the challenge is disciplining their progress and making them focus on the fundamentals, like typing, word processing, and using spreadsheets. Without a doubt though, these children will be significantly ahead of their peers in computer literacy," says Michael Song, San Pedro Library volunteer teacher.

Certificates and awards were given during the last class held at Manelly's Ice Cream. Those who were recognized for course completion were: Dayna Gonzalez, Oscar Gutierrez, Jeshua Muñoz, Kristy Acosta, Marilyn Mora, Kyrone Vasquez, Alessandra Gutierrez, Chelsea Muñoz.

Also, special congratulations go to the following recipients of awards for unique achievements:

Beginners Class:
*Top Typing Score - Kristy Acosta
*Attendance - Dayna Gonzalez
*Most Diligent - Kristy Acosta

Advanced Class:
*Top Typing Score - Alessandra Gutierrez
*Attendance - Kyrone Vasquez
*Most Diligent - Marilyn Mora

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