Friday, February 19, 2010

San Pedro City!?

Delsie and Gerrt at Caye International Bank

If you look around San Pedro, we have all the workings of a big city. Our infrastructure matches with those of a city; we have a large hospital (poly clinic), one of the largest airports in the country, our own water processing plant, large shopping centers, almost all the bank branches in the country, the most number of hotel rooms in the country, and the list goes on.

Little by little our small quaint island has been transforming into a small city as tourism has been spurting growth throughout the island. Buildings are getting taller, although four story buildings are only allowed in the outskirts of town. A clear indication of all this development is that San Pedro now boasts its first escalator and a new elevator.

The escalator is located at Wings, the island’s largest department store, where it takes shoppers to the store’s second floor. Wings just recently inaugurated its new and improved store at the end of last year. To our knowledge there are a few other escalators located in stores at the Corozal Free Zone and nowhere else in the country.

The new elevator belongs to Caye International Bank that also just recently inaugurated its four-story building on Coconut Drive, south of San Pedro Town. The elevator makes it easy for customers to more conveniently reach their office on the top floor. The only other elevator that we are aware of on the island is at Captain Morgan’s Retreat.

Caye International Bank

Debbie Graniel at Captain Morgan's Retreat

Gerry at Wings Department Store

1 comment:

tacogirl said...

Recently heard a story about someone watching a boy's first ever experience in the escalator at wings and how he went from being a bit nervous and unsure of it to enjoying the ride several times over.