Saturday, January 30, 2010

Open House at Saga

OPEN HOUSE and Volunteer recruitment information - Saturday, January 30, 2010, 2 – 4 p.m. at Fort Dog


Saga Humane society celebrated its 10th year and is looking forward to the New Year filled with lots of exciting projects and events! We are looking for animal loving volunteers to help at fort dog, and the veterinary clinic where the cats live!

Whether you have an hour of your time to give or a weekly commitment we would love to meet you!! Some of the opportunities: Dog walking, fundraising, animal socialization, running information booths, painting!! Writers and artists needed too!!

Stop by THIS SATURDAY AT FORT DOG and say hello to Saga members and find out how you can help the fun loving animals of Ambergris Caye!


Clinic 226-3266

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fire in San Pedrito Area

Firefighters were fast to the scene of a fire that broke out on the second floor of a concrete building in the San Pedrito area at about 6:30p.m. on Thursday, January 28, 2010. With the assistance of neighbors and tenants of the first floor, the firefighters were quick to oust the fire before major damage was cause to the building. But although the fire was quickly put out, there is definite damage to the inside of the Cuellar family who reside on the second floor. According to unofficial reports, only the children of the Cuellar's were at home when the fire broke out. Both parents arrived at the scene shortly after the fire was extinguished. There are no injuries reported.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dorian's Angels @ Bar 208

Dorian’s Angels are seen, here, there and everywhere. Oh, yes we love going around looking for adventure and for fun stuff; always visiting new places and being invited everywhere. San Pedro is a party place; everyone loves to go out and have a few drinks and socialize with friends and this week Dorian’s Angels did just that at the island’s newest hotspot – Bar 208 at the new Tropic Air Terminal Building. (Read more @ Ambergris Today Online)

The New "Sweet Angel" shot named after Dorian's Angels

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cub Scouts Back in Action

Dear Ambergris Today,

Once more we had our Saturday activity and this time we went hiking, fishing and swimming. Our goal was to walk for four hours and to challenge the Cubs to walk as far as we can. We started at 6:30a.m. and finished at 10:30a.m. Our starting point was in front of the San Pedro Roman Catholic School and ended a little after Costa Maya Resort.

On the adventurous journey we had to stop three times for a five minute rest periods. When it was about to be 10:30a.m. the Cubs wanted to give up but Cub Scout Armando motivating them to continue. Finally we accomplished our goal. Mr. Lee Carstrom gave us the permission to stay on his dock and do some fishing. We all caught and clean our fishes.

Thanks to Mrs. Dora Santos who generously fried our fishes for us to eat and Mrs. Estevan Arroya who brought us back to Boca del Rio.

/s/ The Cub Scouts - Armando, Yasir, Michael, Emmanuel, Manuel and Shimar invite you to join the Cubs.

Trade Licensing Board Notice

The San Pedro Town Council takes this opportunity to remind all business owners that trade licenses have now become past due and payable. All trade license holders are urged to settle their accounts at the offices of the San Pedro Town Council during normal working hours. Failure to do so may result in legal action.