Reef Week activities continue after this weekend’s very successful Lagoon Reef Eco Challenge. On Tuesday, April 27, Hol Chan Marine Reserve held an Open Day for the primary schools of San Pedro. With notebooks in hand and a wide open mind, they learned much about the marine ecosystems around the island at the Hol Chan office where educational displays have been set up to all to enjoy.
The rains are finally here! With everybody complaining about the extreme heatwave we were having, we cannot complain about the rain. It's actually refreshing and much needed.
This week Dorian’s Angels got a little grubby! There was no pampering like we are usually used to, on the contrary we got our hands into some dirty soil and did some gardening. Where did we go you ask? We went shopping for flowering plants at San Pedro’s newest plant nursery – Ladybug! (Read more Click Here)
Manelly’s Ice Cream Parlor celebrated its 25th Anniversary on Saturday, April 24. They had much goodies for their customers this past Saturday outside the shop. It was a fun time for all at the best ice cream shop on the island. Congratulations to the Delvalle family on their long-standing business that provides excellent and delicious treats for all of us to enjoy.
Natalie Arceo had every resident of San Pedro glued to their TV last night as she made her final presentations at Channel 5's KTV Latino Competition. It was the best show ever as each performance was great and had everybody on their toes. At the end of the night Natalie Arceo came in second and Ismael Chacon took first place. Congratulations Natalie, you made us proud!
Natalie and her father Omar Arceo
Natalie performing two songs of Rocio Durcal
Even the judges performed during the show - Carlos and Sarita
It's HOT and HUMID out there, and the meteorological department of Belize calls for today's highs to reach about 96 degrees. Remember to stay cool - hydrate, stay in shaded areas and jump in the cool refreshing Caribbean Sea! How do you "Beat the Heat" send us your pictures on how you stay COOL at
- Press Release, Holy Cross Anglican School – The Holy Cross Anglican School is building a state of the art composting toilet system and water garden. The equipment room of this system will be incorporating the most advanced state of the arts Green building system in the world. The SABS building system is 100% recyclable and the finished product produces a category 5 hurricane resistant building, it is also earthquake resistant and water proof.
Richard Hess and Marcel Goneau, of Goneau-Hess Architectural design and construction here in San Pedro, have donated their time and expertise to make this happen for the school. They have also allowed the school to purchase all the materials to build this building at their cost.
This system is less expensive and quicker to build than a concrete building of the same size, which makes it very affordable. All future construction at Holy Cross Anglican School will be done using the SABS eco-friendly building system. For further information on this system please call Richard or Marcel at 667-7083.
Along with the actual building and the Aquatron Composting Toilet System, we are going to be building a state of the art water garden using UV lights to kill all bacteria and viruses as well as plants and limestone to purify the gray water from the school and toilets. This water then will be recycled and used to flush the toilets. The system has been designed by a volunteer in Minnesota who specializes in designing and installing water garden systems for the state of Minnesota.
This will make our septic system the most advanced state of the art system in Central America. Holy Cross will keep the public updated on the building progress.