Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Butane Prices Go Up

    As of Monday, September 27, the price of butane has increased by two dollars. That puts the price in Belize City and Corozal at $112.00. In Orange Walk, the cooking gas is being sold for a $113.00 while in Belmopan and San Ignacio the price of the hundred pound cylinder is a $114.00. Further west, in Benque the price is a bit higher at $115.00. But as usual, the highest prices are in the south due to transportation cost. So if you’re down in Dangriga, you’ll be paying a $116.00 for butane or $117.00 if you’re buying in Punta Gorda. The prices for the 100lb cylinder here in San Pedro have yet to be posted so please check with your local butane gas provider.

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