Friday, September 24, 2010

Baby Daniel Estel Sends Smiles to San Pedro

A very happy grandmother, Mel Spain sent over these pictures to Ambergris Today this morning as Baby Daniel is doing so much better after his transplant in Colombia, SA. Here he is smiling at the camera and showing signs of much improvement and well being. We wish Baby Daniel a speedy recovery.

Mel Spain - "He has an infection but he is getting over it. He is still in the ICU but that's the best place for him now. We had gotten a new bill for $60,000 but thank GOD for a foundation in New York that gave us $25,000. We need to come up with the balance. If anyone wants to help, they still can. We have gotten a lot of help from the people of San Pedro and I would really like to take this opportunity to say Many Thanks to everyone who has helped in any way."

Baby Daniel Belize Bank Account: 238350
Thank You!

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